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Part of Producing Future Homes and Communities: Utopias, Dystopias and Heterotopias At the Tate Modern Exchange
6 – 10 February 2018 12.00 - 18.00

A week-long exploration of future communities 5th floor, Blavatnik Building, Tate Modern

Programmed by the Interior and Spatial Design Programme at Chelsea College of Arts (University of the Arts London


ISD students from across the BA and MA worked with tutors Peter Maloney, Emma Hunter and Matt Schwab to reflect on the relationship between 'Home and World' - between public and the private space.

Over the course of several days, students ran workshops (Immerse, Share, Sense, Move and Build) enabling creative contributions from visitors to generate an archive of ideas, memories and rituals connected to the home through time.

Visitors were invited to leave memories of their childhood homes in virtual reality and make a global olfactory map, make models, drawings and animations and document domestic narratives from past, present and future.

Participants included: Anna Billington | Tara Corovic, Clementine Doumenc | Zeyad Faraag | Julia Guenther | Lucy Field | Tian Guo | Susie Hu | Yihang Huang | Emma Hunter | Inci Jaouda | Meiyu Jiang | Zhaofeng Li | Fang Ling | Romain Loubradou | Pakting Ma | Peter Maloney | Malak Marrakchi | Criscitta Mascarenhas | Gabrielle D'Mello | Alina Pawlowska | Liying Qiu |Matthew Schwab | Valeria Serna | Yutao Shi | Fang Wang | Haoran Wang | Kyle Worsley | Jiayue Wu | Jood Yaghmour | Andrea Zanetti | Ning Zhang | Wei Zhang

This programming was funded by the University of the Arts London Teaching & Learning Fund 2018





Yutao Shi uses Virtual Reality to create consensual daydreams of her childhood home at Tate Modern



Student activity included making these consensual floorplans. The brief for the event specified all projects could be packed into a suitcase


Above :an architect draws memories of his childhood domestic space for 'immerse' while in the 'build' workshop people use cast bricks to explore space
s. Below: the 'move' group responded to audience stories by creating props and characters for spatial animations.
