Group Exhibition in the Cookhouse Gallery, Chelsea College of Arts, 23-26 January 2018
An exhibition of work by staff and research students teaching on the Interior and Spatial Design
Programme at Chelsea College of Arts.
In his 1968 Languages of Art, Nelson Goodman states that the particular combination of drawing and text,
numerals and symbols of the architectural plan‘ counts as a digital diagram and as a score’.
This exhibition explores the analogy between architectural drawing and musical scores or dance notation. These are all forms of ‘instruction’, and it is no coincidence that Goodman was writing at a time when ‘event scores’ were being developed by conceptual artists, composers and performance artists, such as Sol Le Witt, John Cage and Yoko Ono.
Addressing the idea of notating space, the exhibition focus is not on the output itself, but rather generative scores and instructions, from detail drawings to scripted performances, film timelines to choreographed spatial sequences.
Curator: Dr Ken Wilder, UAL Reader in Spatial Design
Participants: Dr Ken Wilder, Dr Aaron McPeake, Emma Hunter, Josef Huber, Amritt Flora, Peter Maloney, Colin Priest, Shibboleth Schechter, Marsha Bradfield, Takako Hasegawa, Julia Dwyer, Kristina Kotov, Matthew Turner and 'Mike and Will'
+ Notating Space Private View [photo by Pete Maloney]